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MarvãoThorwald Jørgensen & Kamilla Bystrova

Besançon, Auerbach, Fuleihan, Paul, Messiaen, Ravel, Debussy, Cassadó
Thorwald Jørgensen; Kamilla Bystrova
ParisHoward Shore
Le Balcon; Lionel Sow; Lydia Kavina; Chœur de Radio France; Mike Schäperclaus
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Theremin magic and a sinister toyshop at the BBC Proms
Carolina Eyck uncovers the dark art of playing the theremin and John Storgårds conducts Kaija Saariaho's Vista and Shostakovich's enigmatic final symphony.
Plugging in at Prague Spring's tribute to the theremin
A tribute to the theremin offers a fresh look at a century-old instrument.