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ClevelandBrahms' Fourth Symphony
Weber, Zehavi, Brahms
The Cleveland Orchestra; Fabio Luisi; Mary Kay Fink
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Contemporary with a touch of intimacy at the Pierre Boulez Saal
Daniel Barenboim, Emmanuel Pahud and select musicians continue their brief odyssey into new music with three striking and stimulating world premieres and a welcome touch of Boulez.
Hypnotic, diabolical and magical:
The second day of aus LICHT is one mesmerising highlight after another, including the Netherlands Youth and Children’s Choirs in one magical and one sinister procession.
SoundState: A bright future for new music at the Southbank
Marin Alsop lead the London Philharmonic in a thrilling showcase for contemporary composition at the Southbank Centre's SoundState festival.
Sehnsüchtiges Heimweh: Erkki-Sven Tüürs Piccolokonzert
Denève dirigierte das RCO in Amsterdam mit der Uraufführung von Erkki-Sven Tüürs Piccolokonzert. Ravels Konzertsuite Ma Mère l'Oye war zuvor in Schlichtheit und Klangschönheit kaum zu überbieten.
Kirill Karabits et Maximilian Hornung à l’ONF : une vague de fougue slave envahit la Maison de la Radio
Concert de l’ONF en faveur du Sidaction sous la baguette de Kirill Karabits, remplaçant Semyon Bychkov. Un résultat à l’expressivité rare, aussi animé que savamment nuancé.