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Musique classique, opéra, ballet et danse en Gand, Belgique

Use Bachtrack's search facility to find concerts, opera and dance events not only in this city but right around the world. Bachtrack has the largest number of upcoming events of any website, and if you want to read reviews of events which have taken place here, or in another country, you can search here for exactly the reviews which interest you.

Rechercher des événements de musique classique, opéra et ballet
Événements à venirEn voir plus...

GandMendelssohn, Strauss

Brussels Philharmonic
Mendelssohn, Strauss R.
Brussels Philharmonic; Kazushi Ono; Gautier Capuçon

GandKruistocht (Crusade)World premiere

Neyrinck: Kruistocht (Crusade)
Michiel Delanghe; Johan de Smet; Opera Ballet Vlaanderen; Ilse Vandenbussche; Symfonisch Orkest Opera Ballet Vlaanderen; Kinderkoor Opera Vlaanderen; Kenneth Michiels

GandVerdi: Messa da Requiem

Verdi: Requiem
Antwerp Symphony Orchestra; Philippe Herreweghe; Eleanor Lyons; Sophie Harmsen; Ilker Arcayürek; Tareq Nazmi

GandUntoldWorld premiere

Ho: Untold
Julia Cheng; Opera Ballet Vlaanderen; Alex Ho

GandThe Golden Stool

Ocloo: The Golden Stool
Gorges Ocloo; Opera Ballet Vlaanderen; Unknown; Nobulumko Mngxekeza; Nonkululeko Nkwinti

GandThe Rape of LucretiaNew production

Britten: Le Viol de Lucrèce
Filip Rathé; Carlos Wagner; Opera Ballet Vlaanderen; Alejandro Andújar; Spectra Ensemble; International Opera Academy
Critiques récentesEn voir plus...

La beauté convulsive du Tristan de Philippe Grandrieux à Gand

Belle réussite au niveau scénique de la nouvelle production cinéaste de Philippe Grandieux à Opera Ballet Vlaanderen.

Beginners' pluck: cast of first-timers in a first-rate Werther

Enea Scala and Rihab Chaieb impress in a concert performance of Massenet's Werther in Ghent. 

Plan C mit Schein: Israelis Brünnlein vom Collegium Vocale Gent

Ein gesendetes Notprogramm, das durch die Idealistik Herreweghes ein eigenes Brünnlein an Klarheit und Eingängigkeit darstellte.

Daniel Proietto's RASA premieres at Ballet Vlaanderen

An operatic deconstruction of La Bayadère in Ghent that has ingenuity and flair but is also over-stretched.

Cäcilia auf der Siegerstraße: B'Rock und Vox Luminis in Gent

Vox Luminis gelingt mit B'Rock ein passender, königlicher Lobpreis zum Erwachen der Natur.

Magnificent Rachmaninov tribute from Lugansky and Denève in Ghent

Nocturne may not be your dreamlike, moonlit summer night stroll, but quite a grim-visaged journey, threateningly dark with the occasional shaft of light piercing through in powerful, sonorous tutti.