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LondonSound Unwrapped: Vox Luminis - Light & Shadow
Tallis, White, Sheppard, Byrd, Tomkins, Ramsey, Weelkes, Morley
Lionel Meunier; Vox Luminis
New York CityBach’s Magnificat and Easter Oratorio
Jolle Greenleaf; Margaret Haigh; Sarah Yanovitch; Elisa Sutherland
DresdenJan Vogler / Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg

Beethoven, Shepherd
Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg; Kent Nagano; Jan Vogler; Hamburger Alsterspatzen; The Young ClassX; Dresdner Kreuzchor
HalleGala Concert with Jakub Józef Orliński: „The Evil Spirit of Parties“
Bononcini, Handel
Jan Tomasz Adamus; Jakub Józef Orliński; Capella Cracoviensis
HalleBridges to Classics
Staatskapelle Halle; Bernd Ruf; Anke Sieloff; Benjamin Köthe; GermanPops Band and Singers
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Epiphany meditation from Paul Agnew and Les Arts Florissants
In the intimate setting of Lauenen Church, Agnew and Les Arts Florissants introduce us to the austere sound world of Marc-Antoine Charpentier and other French composers of 17th-century sacred music.
Pure entertainment from early opera: La finta pazza
Extraordinary singing and acting from Mariana Flores stands out in a joyous concert performance of one of the first operas ever written.
Handel's pastoral sings, dances and laughs at the Barbican
William Christie directs with all his customary close involvement, and profound belief in the work in hand.
Cancelled Christmas? Knot on your life: Bach at Wigmore Hall
The Solomon's Knot collective offered a lively account of four cantatas from Bach's Christmas Oratorio.
Les Arts Florissants dazzle in Handel’s Partenope in Lucerne
William Christie leads his legendary orchestra and a group of young singers in a successful performance of Handel’s semi-serious opera.
Luxury casting in Aix for a radiantly transcendent St Matthew Passion
Even outstanding soloists had to wait their turn in this Rolls-Royce performance in Aix-en-Provence.
Brahms' German Requiem proves to be timeless as ever in new edition
The revisions were minor, but the Requiem remained a fitting work for a modern metropolis: reverent, mysterious, a little bit distant but a powerful prayer for peace.
Armonico Consort Soloists and Baroque PlayersCameristi della ScalaCapella CracoviensisCappella MediterraneaCapricornus Consort BaselChœur et Orchestre du Concert SpirituelEnsemble Les SurprisesEnsemble PygmalionEnsemble ZefiroGabrieli Consort & PlayersGaechinger CantoreyGermanPops Band and SingersLe Poème HarmoniqueLes Arts FlorissantsLes Cris de ParisLes Musiciens de Saint-JulienLes Nouveaux CaractèresLes Traversées BaroquesMusicians from the Royal Academy of MusicNYOS Jazz OrchestraPRJCT AmsterdamRCM Historical Performance musiciansSoloists from the Queen Elisabeth Music ChapelSolomon's KnotStudents from the Conservatoire de ParisTenet EnsembleThe Young ClassXVox Luminis