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Mixed minimalism with the Labèques
Minimalism is, according to some, ‘The most influential musical movement of the 20th century’. Whether or not this is a little hyperbolical, minimalism does certainly deserve real recognition and exploration, and Kings Place hence merits a great deal of praise for putting on the three-day ‘50 Years of Minimalism’ festival, curated by Igor Toronyi-Lalic and led on the stage by pianists Katia and M
50 Years of Minimalism at King's Place: Dawn
Sometimes it seemed as though the sun would never set on Dawn. At nearly three hours long, it made for a blockbuster opening to the '50 Years of Minimalism' festival. Thankfully, the Labèque sisters, a rock ensemble, electronic keyboard and the obligatory tape machine on stage were brilliant company for the whole, overlong affair.
Auf den Schwingen des Glücksdrachen
Klaus Doldingers Passport und die Nordwestdeutsche Philharmonie jazzen zwischen Tatort und Elfenbeinturm.