Find classical music concert, opera, ballet and dance listings | Brahms
Brahms, Johannes
Fact file
Year of birth | 1833 |
Year of death | 1897 |
Nationality | Germany |
Period | Romantic |
List of works
11 Choral Preludes for Organ (opus postum), Op.1222 Songs for Alto Voice, Viola and Piano, Op.913 Intermezzi for piano, Op.1174 Ballades for piano, Op.104 Klavierstücke (4 Pieces for Piano), Op.11942 Deutsche Volkslieder, WoO3349 Deutsche Volkslieder, WoO 33: Da unten im Tale, no.66 Songs for Tenor or Soprano and Piano, Op.37 Fantasies for Piano, Op.1169 Lieder und Gesänge, Op.32Academic Festival Overture, Op.80Alte Liebe (Old Love), Op.72 no.1Alto Rhapsody for Alto, Male Chorus and Orchestra, Op.53An die Nachtigall (To the Nightingale), Op.46 no.4An ein Veilchen (To a Violet), Op.49 no.2Auf dem Kirchhofe (In the Churchyard), Op.105 no.4Auf dem See (On the Lake), Op.106 no.2Ave Maria for Women's Chorus and Orchestra or Organ, Op.12Begräbnisgesang (Funeral Song) for Chorus and Wind Instruments, Op.13Bitteres zu sagen denkst du, Op.32 no.7Botschaft (Message), Op.47 no.1Brahms- Schoenberg QuartetCapriccio in B minor, Op.76 no.2Capriccio in C sharp minor, Op.76, no. 5Capriccio in F sharp minor, Op.76 no.1Cello Sonata no. 1 in E minor for Cello and Piano, Op.38Cello Sonata no. 2 in F major, Op.99Clarinet Quintet in B minor, Op.115Clarinet Sonata no. 1 in F minor, Op.120 no.1Clarinet Sonata no. 2 in E flat major, Op.120 no.2Clarinet Trio in A minor, Op.114Das Mädchen Spricht (The Girl Speaks), Op.107 no.3Dein blaues Auge (Your Blue Eyes), Op.59 no.8Der Tod, das ist die kühle Nacht, (Death is the Cool Night), Op.96 no.1Die Mainacht (The May Night), Op.43 no.2Die Meere (The Sea), Op.20 no.3Die Schwestern (The Sisters), Op.61 no.1Double Concerto in A minor for Violin, Cello and Orchestra, Op.102Ein Wanderer (A Traveler), Op.106 no.5Ein deutsches RequiemEin deutsches Requiem (A German Requiem), Op.45Es hing der Reif (Hoarfrost Hung), Op.106 no.3Es liebt sich so lieblich im Lenze! (Love is so Delightful in the Spring!), Op.71 no.1Es schauen die Blumen (Flowers Look), Op.96 no.3Es träumte mir, Op.57 no.3F-A-E Sonata: Scherzo in C minorFeldeinsamkeit (The Loneliness of the Field), Op.86 no.2Geistliches Lied (Spiritual Song), Op.30Herzlich tut mich verlangen, Op.122 no.10Hungarian Dance no. 1 in G minorHungarian Dance no. 10 in E majorHungarian Dance no. 11 in D minorHungarian Dance no. 14 in D minorHungarian Dance no. 17 in F sharp minorHungarian Dance no. 2 in D minorHungarian Dance no. 21 in E minorHungarian Dance no. 3 in F majorHungarian Dance no. 5 in F sharp minorHungarian Dance no. 6 in D majorHungarian Dance no. 7 in A majorHungarian Dances: selectionImmer leiser wird mein Schlummer (My Slumber Grows More and More Peaceful), Op.105 no.2Initials R.B.M.EIntermezzo in B flat major, Op.76, no. 4Intermezzo in B flat minor, Op.117 no.2Intermezzo in B minor, Op.119 no.1Intermezzo in C sharp minor, Op.117 no.3Klavierstücke Op.76Liebeslieder WalzerLiebestreu (Fidelity in Love), Op.3 no.1Lieder: selectionMeerfahrt, Op.96 no.4Meine Lieder (My Songs), Op.106 no.4Meine liebe ist grün (My love’s as green), Op.63 no.5Mondenschein (Moonlight), Op.85 no.2Nachtigall (Nightingale), Op.97 no.1Nachtwache I (Night Watch I), Op.104 no.1Nachtwache II (Night Watch II), Op.104 no.2Nicht mehr zu dir gehen, Op.32 no.2Nänie for Chorus and Orchestra (Harp ad libitum), Op.82O kühler Wald (Oh Cool Forest), Op.72 no.3Ophelia Lieder (Ophelia Songs)Phänomen (Phenomenon), Op.61 no.3Piano Concerto no. 1 in D minor, Op.15Piano Concerto no. 2 in B flat major, Op.83Piano Quartet no. 1 in G minor, Op.25Piano Quartet no. 2 in A major, Op.26Piano Quartet no. 3 in C minor, Op.60Piano Quintet in F minor, Op.34Piano Sonata no. 1 in C major, Op.1Piano Sonata no. 2 in F sharp minor, Op.2Piano Sonata no. 3 in F minor, Op.5Piano Trio no. 1 in B major, Op.8Piano Trio no. 2 in C major, Op.87Piano Trio no. 3 in C minor, Op.101Schicksalslied (Song of Destiny) for Chorus and Orchestra, Op.54Serenade no. 1 in D major, Op.11Serenade no. 2 in A major, Op.16So stehn wir, ich und meine Weide, Op.32 no.8Sommerabend (Summer Evening), Op.85 no.1Sommerfäden (Summer Threads), Op.72 no.2Sonata for 2 pianos in F minor, Op.34bString Quartet in A minor, Op.51 no.2String Quartet in C minor, Op.51 no.1String Quartet no. 3 in B flat major, Op.67String Quintet no. 1 in F major, Op.88String Quintet no. 2 in G major, Op.111String Sextet no. 1 in B flat major, Op.18String Sextet no. 2 in G major, Op.36Study no. 5 after Bach's ChaconneStändchen (Serenade), Op.106 no.1Symphony no. 1 in C minor, Op.68Symphony no. 2 in D major, Op.73Symphony no. 3 in F major, Op.90Symphony no. 4 in E minor, Op.98Therese, Op.86 no.1Tragic Overture, Op.81Trio in E flat major for Horn (or Cello or Viola), Violin and Piano, Op.40Unbewegte laue luft, Op.57 no.8Variations and Fugue for Piano on a Theme by Handel, Op.24Variations on a Theme by Haydn in B flat major for two pianos, Op.56bVariations on a Theme by Haydn in B flat major, Op.56aVariations on a Theme by Paganini, Op.35Vergebliches Ständchen (Fruitless Serenade), Op.84 no.4Verzagen (Despondency), Op.72 no.4Vier ernste Gesänge (Four Serious Songs), Op.121Viola Sonata in E flat major, Op.120 no.2Viola Sonata in F minor, Op.120 no.1Violin Concerto in D major, Op.77Violin Sonata no. 1 in G major, Op.78Violin Sonata no. 2 in A major, Op.100Violin Sonata no. 3 in D minor, Op.108Von ewiger Liebe (Of Everlasting Love), Op.43 no.1Waldesnacht (Night in the Forest), Op.62 no.3Walpurgisnacht (Walpurgis Night), Op.75 no.4Wenn du nur zuweilen lächelst, Op.57 no.2Wie Melodien zieht es mir (As If Melodies Were Moving), Op.105 no.1Wie bist du, meine Königin, Op.32 no. 9Wie rafft ich mich auf in der Nacht, Op.32 no.1Wiegenlied (Lullaby), Op.49 no.4Wir wandelten (We Were Walking), Op.96 no.2Zigeunerlieder (Gypsy songs), Op.103Über die Heide (Over the Heath), Op.86 no.4