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Streams und Videos-on-Demand: L'Orfeo

Online auf operavision.eu ansehenOperaVisionAufgenommen am Staatsoper Hannover, Hannover, Deutschland
Datum/Zeit in Ihrer Zeitzone
Freitag 28 April 202319:30
On-Demand von Freitag 28 April 2023 19:30 bis Samstag 28 Oktober 2023 12:00
Staatsoper Hannover
David BatesDirigent
Silvia CostaRegisseur, Bühnenbild
Michele TaborelliBühnenbild
Laura DondoliKostüme
Bernd PurkrabekLicht
Niedersächsisches Staatsorchester Hannover
Chor der Staatsoper Hannover
Antonio Cuenca RuizDramaturgie
Martin MutschlerDramaturgie
Luvuyo MbunduBaritonOrfeo (Orpheus)
Nikki TreurnietSopranEuridice (Eurydice), La musica (Music)
Nils WandererCountertenorLa speranza (Hope), Pastore 3 (Shepherd 3)
Nina van EssenMezzosopranProserpina (Proserpine), La messaggiera (Messenger)
Richard WalsheBassPlutone (Pluto)
Markus SuihkonenBassCaronte (Charon)
Marco LeeTenorApollo
Petra RadulovicSopranNinfa (Nymph)
Philipp KapellerTenorPastore 1 (Shepherd 1)
Pawel BrozekTenorPastore 2 (Shepherd 2)

When he sings, the animals stop and listen; Orpheus can literally melt stone. To find Eurydice, who disappears on their wedding day, this master of harmony must charm the underworld with his musical talent. Orpheus’s appeals convince Pluto to free Eurydice, under certain conditions. But when this gifted and infallible hero fails, he must live on with the consequences.

Live on the opening night, Staatsoper Hannover presents Orfeo, the cruel story of a great love. Orpheus cannot get over the death of his beloved; he longs and yearns for her and loses himself in loops of loss. Following the success of Like Flesh in Lille, director Silvia Costa and her team tackle Monteverdi’s masterpiece. Often using otherworldly images in her work, Costa imagines an enigmatic universe of dreams and hallucinations, of colours and symbols where Orpheus is bereft and disorientated. The production is conducted by baroque specialist David Bates, who brought Trionfo splendidly to life in Hannover and on OperaVision.

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