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Streams und Videos-on-Demand: Der RosenkavalierNew production

OperaVisionAufgenommen am La Monnaie | De Munt: Grand Hall, Brussels, Belgien
Datum/Zeit in Ihrer Zeitzone
Mittwoch 16 November 202218:00
On-Demand bis Dienstag 16 Mai 2023 12:00
La Monnaie | De Munt
Alain AltinogluDirigent
Damiano MichielettoRegisseur
Paolo FantinBühnenbild
Agostino CavalcaKostüme
Alessandro CarlettiLicht
La Monnaie Symphony Orchestra
La Monnaie Choral Academy
Sally MatthewsSopranFeldmarschallin
Michèle LosierMezzosopranOctavian
Martin WinklerBaritonBaron Ochs
Liv RedpathSopranSophie
Dietrich HenschelBaritonHerr von Faninal
Sabine HogrefeSopranMarianne
Yves SaelensTenorValzacchi
Carole WilsonMezzosopranAnnina
Juan Francisco GatellTenorSänger
Alexander VassilievBaritonPolizeikommissar, Notar
Lisa WillemsSopranModistin
Alain-Pierre WingelinckxTenorTierhändler
Maxime MelnikTenorHaushofmeister der Marschallin, Haushofmeister bei Faninal
Denzil DelaereTenorWirt
Annelies KerstensSopranThree noble orphans
Marta BerettaMezzosopranThree noble orphans
Marie VirotMezzosopranThree noble orphans
La Monnaie Children's and Youth Choirs

The Marschallin is relishing time with her young lover, when her cousin’s sudden arrival ignites a comic chain of events. With honour at risk, social status bartered and happiness illusive, the Marschallin accepts time cannot be stopped and she must set young love free.

After opening the 2022-23 season in Brussels with Pikovaya Dama, La Monnaie / De Munt now streams Der Rosenkavalier live on OperaVision. The mystery of time resonates throughout Hugo von Hofmannsthal’s highly spiritual and nostalgic libretto, for which Richard Strauss took a step back in time to eighteenth-century Vienna. Waltzing in neoclassical style, with sublime lyricism and a refined orchestral palette, the opera looks back to the past, faded beauty, lost loves. Director Damiano Michieletto sets this intimate study of the human psyche in a snow-white dreamworld embellished with a dash of humour and surrealism. Strauss’s wonderful score – one of the most refined in the entire repertoire – is set to blossom under the baton of Alain Altinoglu.

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