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Iceland Symphony Orchestra

Anvil, BasingstokeBasingstoke, South-East, RG21 7QR, United Kingdom
Dates/times in London time zone
Friday 28 April 202319:45

Anna Thorvaldsdóttir’s richly detailed and rewarding music always makes a strong impression and her piece Metacosmos is “a gorgeous and engrossing tone poem” (San Francisco Chronicle).

Rachmaninov’s Second Piano Concerto was a breakthrough piece after years of creative block. Its passionate and lyrical character has deservedly made it a favourite amongst his works.

Tchaikovsky’s Fifth Symphony was composed on his return to Russia in 1888 after a successful European concert tour. The waltz feel of much of the first movement foreshadows the waltz which takes the place of the usual scherzo. The slow movement is pure melody, while the finale is a burst of power and orchestral colour.

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