Aina Vega (Flix, 1984) is PhD in Philosophy of Music (Pompeu Fabra University) with the thesis The artistic ethos in Arnold Schönberg and the dialogue with Adrian Leverkühn. Part of her research was carried out in the Arnold Schönberg Center (Vienna) in 2012/13. She obtained the Advanced Certificate Studies UPF with a thesis on Schönberg and Schopenhauer and is Bachelor in Humanities (UPF). Specialized in Contemporary music and opera, she has a relevant career as cultural journalist and cultural manager (she is Master in Arts and Culture Management, Rome Business School). She has been working for institutions such as Liceu Barcelona, Auditorio de Tenerife and Palau de la Música Catalana.
Our Barcelona-based writer Aina Vega Rofes guides us through the best thing to see, taste and listen to when spending the holidays in the Catalan capital.
Cosmos Cuartet es una de las propuestas más estimulantes de los últimos años por su depurado sonido y la gran exigencia que demuestran reto tras reto. El programa que presentaron en la Schubertíada encaja como anillo al dedo con el ideario del festival, con un Schubert maduro y poético y un monumental Beethoven de gran transcendencia.
El Festival Castell de Peralada nos brindó el estreno de la última ópera de Joan Magrané, Diàlegs de Tirant e Carmesina, con dramaturgia de Marc Rosich, un genial artefacto de orfebrería.